Gold Package: $1500
The Gold Package includes a proven marketing, advertising and social media strategies that I utilized to give myself an extra advantage to Sharing My Story with a larger unknown group of people that produced great results in finding Potential Living Donors. I will also provide you with a brief description and links to various informational websites that you can research on your own in your search for a living donor rather than trying to figure out everything on your own. This will save you countless of hours of research, time and stress. The Gold Package also includes a personally designed Kidney Campaign Business Card to help you in Sharing Your Story. Be advised that without a personal website with a domain name, microsite address from your Transplant Center or from any other kidney transplant organization, the Kidney Campaign Business Card is not effective. The Gold Package also includes a minimum of 90 minutes of one-on-one personal coaching to answer additional questions that might arise during your search for a Living Donor. Please review my personal website for a better understanding of how I successfully found my Living Kidney Donor.
The initial consultation fee is FREE.
This package DOES NOT INCLUDE the following:
- Your personal website that I develop for you which was a key ingredient in my personal success of Sharing My Story and finding a Living Donor
- Outline on How to Make a Powerful Video for Your Website
Please remember that RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED as many factors such as your geographical area, your blood/tissue type, your individual efforts to follow the Living Kidney Donor Search Program and any possible unforeseen challenges, problems and/or medical issues with both you and your Potential Living Donors are out of my control when trying to find a Potential Living Kidney Donor and ultimately a Living Kidney Donor Transplant.